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Old Man Winter was the house guest that overstayed thier welcome this year. Temperatures continued to plummet throughout January, February, and March causing one of the worst winters in Michigan history. Heating bills put a strain on home and spending. Nonetheless, the family was okay. Jasmin was finishing up her semester in college. She also was blessed by doing a show with Jason Wu. Cruz's basketball season was in full swing. He was doing well averaging twelve points even though he was a sixth man.  He was doing well maintaining his 4.0 GPA as well.  Angel was Angel: funny, adorable, bossy, and silly. I was also in the process of gaining guardianship over him as he was about to turn 18 this year. Oscar went from a 6am shift to a 4am shift so it was lights out early for him.  I continued to be as active in my church as I could be; teaching Sunday school once a month.  I tried not to bring the stress of work and the possiblity of  losing my job as my school district was making profound changes. Grace prevailed.




This year I taught Spanish at Ruben Daniels Middle School in Saginaw. RDMS is an urban school where ALL of the students get free lunch. It is also a significantly low-performing school. Although I had taught at RDMS three years prior, the school was not what it was when I was there the three years before. It had dramatically changed for the worse. Teaching Spanish to many students with very low reading and writing skills  was quite the challenge. I had always taught at an urban school. I knew the challenges, but nothing had prepared me for what I was coming into. My students were the bottom of the barrel: abused, conflicted, poor, disturbed, and simply  mad at the world. Despite my kind, calm, compassionate "I understand" behavior and my engaging (so I thought) lesson plans, my students had other motives that involved insulting and hurting others and disrupt the learning environment as best they could.  And it wasn't just I having this problem. Veteran teachers would spend thier lunch breaks in tears too. On several occassions I went to work with my Letter of Resignation in hand because there were simply times where I did not know if I could continue.  I had no more in me. But one day while I was trying to teach in the midst of chaos assuming that my words were falling on deaf ears, I dropped my head in frustration and was near tears.  A student noticed my emotional state and responded with something that would stay with me for the rest of my life. He said, "Mrs. Garcia, please keep teaching. Because I'm listening." That was a pivotal moment in my career. Antwan, like a very few others WERE listening.  Antwan's words gave me my second wind and I re-examined myself and found my strengths.  I ultimately realized that I did have some great students. I could not quit on those few. So since then, I have been preservering. I can't say that things are great. But they are better.  My district later announced that RDMS would be closing as part of its deficit elimination plan in addition to cutting fifty teachers .  I saw that coming since The Michigan Department of Education was there every Friday trying to help improve the school. If our district didn't close it the State surely would have. Nonetheless, I have been through the trenches and back. I have come out stronger.  I have also built lasting relationships with my students and we will see what the next chapter holds. 


Although there was already a lot on my plate (as usual) and in an attempt to complete my Master's degree this year, I took on two graduate courses (CEP 817 & 820) at Michigan State. Ambition has always been my one of my better attributes. However, I (once again) bit off more than I could chew. The combination of MSU course work,  the extremely stressful classroom environment I endured daily, along with the possibilty of job loss, and the demands of everyday life was nearly a recipe for disaster.  Midway through the term, I was struggling to keep my head above the water in all areas of my life. Many life lessons were learned this term. Overall, I came out victorious :) 


6th Grade Spanish students practicing Spanish Greetings and Introductions.

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